9 Common Business Security Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

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Is your business guilty of these common business security mistakes?

Regardless of whether it is or not, security is something most people are concerned about. Even though, they are not sure how best to stay secured or secure their businesses.

If you’re a business, and looking into security for the first time, it’s important to understand what exactly is at stake, and make an informed choice so you can protect your business from possible threats.

Though, there is no such thing as 100% security. But due to the fact that no one is above mistakes and mistakes do happen, people tend to be unaware of increasingly sophisticated threats that can have negative effect on their business.

And, at most times, this is as a result of lack of security awareness – making people either unaware or careless when it comes to security matters.

Therefore, it’s important you understand your individual business vulnerabilities so you can avoid some common business security mistakes.

So, what are these common business security mistakes and how do you avoid them?

9 Common Businesses Security Mistakes

Below are 9 common business security mistakes to consider and avoid.

  • Not Contracting the Right Security Company

This is the most common mistake businesses make when it comes to security. And that is, picking the wrong security company. Though, at times, it is difficult to find qualified security companies even when there are several security companies available.

But contracting the wrong security company without putting in time to check references and perform background checks on the company can make a negative impact your company’s security for years to come.

So how do you avoid this business security mistake?

Start by getting the right security company and checking for references from other users who make use of their security personnel and how their experiences have been with their security provider.

Then perform a background checks to know how long the company has been in security business and what their experiences are. A company with more than 7 years experience can be an added advantage to your business security matters.

  •  Not Identifying Security Needs

Your business is going to have unique security needs that a blanket solution will not adequately cover. Failing to assess and identify your business’ unique security needs poses the risk of contracting the wrong security company.

To avoid this, it’s important that you get an assessment and customized security plan that fits your exact needs, from someone who knows your industry’s security challenges well.

  • Not Having a Screening Policy

This is another common security mistakes businesses make – not implementing a hiring screening policy. This poses a huge security risk whereby your business is not protected from employee theft. And this can have a negative impact on your business.

So, avoiding this mistake requires the implementation of screening policy that includes criminal record checks and reference checks.  As well as asking for their copies of any relevant certifications or credentials.

  • Not Securing/Controlling All Access Points

Your business has more than one entrance and exit. Failing to secure all these entrances including emergency exits poses a huge security risk. The risk, unauthorized individuals will gain access to authorized areas.

And avoiding this risk requires that you ensure that all access point are secured, controlled and fitted with the best security systems with a fewer active entrance. Because the fewer active access points you have, the more secure your business will be.

  • Not Taking Security Matters Seriously

Security risk doesn’t feel real until you have a loss. When you don’t take security issues of your business seriously, it could create a larger burden for your business.

So, don’t wait until you have an emergency to staff the RIGHT security team to be prepared and ensure that all business security risks are taken care of.

  • Not Maintaining Security Systems

The mistake of not maintaining your business security systems can pose a huge risk. To avoid this, be sure to check your security systems periodically to make sure it’s in working order. You should also have it checked by a professional every year.

If it’s not working right, then it’s just a huge waste of money. A good security system must follow the 4Ds of highly effective security measures.

  • Not Enforcing ID Requirements

Failing to enforce ID requirements is another business security mistake. This can also pose a risk whereby non authorized persons can have access to important areas in the business and can lead to thefts in the business.

So, to avoid this business security mistake, you have to enforce ID and badge requirements. Because these two items are effective when it comes to controlling access points.

As much as it may be tempting to let higher management get into the building without their badge, resist the temptation to do so since it undermines the integrity of the program in place. Always ensure that you follow the badge and ID program to keep your business safe and secure.

  • Not Securing Important Areas

Providing security to the entire business is essential. But, neglecting to provide extra security to areas within your business such as computer server rooms and places where critical documents and files are stored puts your business data and confidential information at risk.

To avoid this common business security mistake, endeavour to secure these sensitive areas by installing biometrics access systems together with security video systems for the deterrent of theft.

  • Not Using a Verified Security System

Another common business security mistake is when your business is not using a verified security system. The risk it poses is not being able to monitor and track criminals committing a crime real time.

So the only way to avoid this risk and secure your business is to use a verified monitoring system to ensure that when an actual break-in is taking place, an alarm is sent to the integrated monitoring station, who then immediately contacts the police who respond to the crime in progress.


No one is above mistakes no doubt. But identifying the above common business security mistakes and creating the necessary steps in fixing them will avoid a large number of problems that may occur in your business.

So, if you would like to make an informed choice and take our free risk assessment so you can protect your business from possible threats, click here.