SCHOOL SECURITY FAILURE: Top 3 Reasons Why School Security Fail in Nigeria

why school security fail

As criminal activities occur in our society, schools are also not being left out. They equally experience their own share of nefarious activities such as kidnapping, violence, sexual assault, etc.

But despite the fact that security guards are still the best line of defense for schools against these various criminal activities, many Nigerian schools still fail at keeping their schools safe for learning.

In this post, we intend to address the cause of these prevailing security failures in some Nigerian schools. Read, learn and share with others!

SCHOOL SECURITY FAILURE: Top 3 Reasons Why School Security Fail in Nigeria

  • NEGLIGENCE: It Can’t Happen Here

Most school owners believe that it is impossible for crime to take place in their school. They believe that since they are running an NGO like organization they can’t have their own share of lawlessness.

Having such erroneous view about security and safety is a key reason why school security fails in Nigeria. Because, with such a view, the security of the school will not been given a top priority by school owners. And if that be the case, you end up putting the lives of students and teachers at great risk.

  • NO FINANCE: We Can’t Afford It

Another reason school security fail is that most school believe that they can’t afford a professional security guard. And because they can’t afford it, they end up contracting a cheap security guard while putting the protection of their students, teachers and the school premises in the hands of such a guard.

In a previous article, we addressed some of the dangers associated with hiring a self employed and unprofessional security guard. Such guards will have no corporate back up, no professional training and no security equipments, eventually they will fail at protecting your school, its teachers and students from unforeseen dangers.

Security is not a luxury that should be afforded, but a necessity that shouldn’t be avoided. The cost of not having a professional security guard in your school premises is much higher than the cost of actually hiring one. When criminals make away with valuable properties or endanger the lives of those in your custody, how costly would such incidence be to you and your school?

  • NO TIME: We Don’t Have the Time to Do All That

There is always time for everything. That you don’t have time to give security the top priority it requires is another reason why school security fail in Nigeria. Not having the time to assess your school security or carry out necessary emergency drills is risky to your school.

Also, not ensuring that every visitor is checked before given access into the school compound will definitely put the lives of your students and teachers at greater risks.

So, while you don’t have the time to do all that (putting security measures in place), criminals have all the time to plan and carry out their criminal act in your school, giving your school its own share of lawlessness.


School security is very important to ensure that staffs and students feel safe and secure to teach and learn. While criminal incidents such as kidnapping, violence and sexual assault are on the increase, your school can have its own share if the above reasons are not considered and adequate security measures are not put in place immediately.

Therefore, to secure the lives of your students and teachers and protecting your school premises, you need to employ professional security guards from a reputed and trustworthy security company like Sheriff Deputies.

With the security of your students and teachers in the trusted hands of professional guards, the safety of your school premises, your students and teachers is better guaranteed.

Take corrective steps today to properly secure your school, click here for a free security assessment.